pyskim: Quick summary statistics for dataframes

When starting out with a new data analysis project, familiarizing yourself with your data set is, of course, crucial (besides obtaining domain specific knowledge, etc).

This typically involves a set of somewhat repetitive steps such as value counts, histograms, scatterplots and so on.

pyskim helps you achieve that goal as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Simply locate your CSV (or whichever delimiter is your favorite one) file and call pyskim from the commandline:

$ pyskim iris.csv
── Data Summary ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
type                 value
-----------------  -------
Number of rows         150
Number of columns        5
Column type frequency:
-------  -------
float64        4
string         1

── Variable type: number ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    name            na_count    mean     sd    p0    p25    p50    p75    p100  hist
--  ------------  ----------  ------  -----  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------  ----------
 0  sepal_length           0    5.84  0.828   4.3    5.1   5.8     6.4     7.9  ▂▆▃▇▄▇▅▁▁▁
 1  sepal_width            0    3.06  0.436   2      2.8   3       3.3     4.4  ▁▁▄▅▇▆▂▂▁▁
 2  petal_length           0    3.76  1.77    1      1.6   4.35    5.1     6.9  ▇▃▁▁▂▅▆▄▃▁
 3  petal_width            0    1.2   0.762   0.1    0.3   1.3     1.8     2.5  ▇▂▁▂▂▆▁▄▂▃

── Variable type: string ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    name               na_count    n_unique  top_counts
--  ---------------  ----------  ----------  -----------------------------------------
 0          species           0           3  versicolor: 50, setosa: 50, virginica: 50

It will tell you the most relevant dataframe properties at a glance, and additionally provide statistics for each column. Which statistics are computed depends on the column’s datatype and is customizable to adapt to your own custom datatypes.