bin2fasta: Store any file as a fasta file
Have you ever wanted to combine bioinformatics and steganography? No? Well, now you can.
bin2fasta enables you to (reversibly) convert any file into a fasta file. It works just as you would expect:
$ file foo.png
foo.png: PNG image data, 618 x 257, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
$ bin2fasta -o bar.fasta foo.png
319400it [00:00, 683649.99it/s]
$ head -c50 bar.fasta
$ bin2fasta --decode -o baz.png bar.fasta
159700it [00:00, 455825.67it/s]
$ file baz.png
baz.png: PNG image data, 618 x 257, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
The possibilities are endless!